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Saint Bridget

Dreamed between 1963 and 1968, painted 1989; oil on canvas, 49.5 x 42", by Jenny Badger Sultan

I am with a group of people in a desert landscape. We are building a Scythian church. I recall red tile roofs, whitewashed walls. When we are finished we gather inside the church and join hands in a large circle and do a circle dance together.

Later I wander around the dim interior by myself, looking around. On the floor, right near two steps leading down to a lower level, I see this painting and these words:

"Little Saint Bridget was bound so hard, that when they released her she flew."
Dream painting by Jenny Badger Sultan: a grinning barefoot girl in a green robe, flying. Words round the margin: 'Little Saint Bridget was bound so hard, that when they released her she flew.' Click to enlarge.


This dream was a major one; I've returned to it many times. Building this church together in the desert felt magical.

I do not recall exactly when I dreamt it; I was not keeping a regular dream journal at that time. But it was between finishing grad school in l963 and l968 when I met my husband Henry.

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